Friday, May 09, 2008

An Attack on Spirituality

I was reading a blog yesterday about one hundred simple ways to improve your life. There were two points out of one hundred which touched upon spirituality.

26) Go to church: Make new friends and get in touch with your spiritual side at church or temple.

31) Consider religion: If you’re not a spiritual person, consider becoming more involved with religion to improve your emotional well-being.

Being what I call a professional Christian, I couldn’t agree more with the writers point. These two points out of one hundred are just tips on how to possibly improve your life. I continued to read after the blog at all of the comments people had posted. Over one half of the comments were targeted at these two suggestions. One reader even commented that he or she was so offended that they would never read another post by the writer. This person obviously feels very passionately about religion and my guess Christianity.

In a blog about improving our lives, why does the suggestion of finding faith anger so many people? What is it about the Christian message that upsets so many others? If being a Christian is about loving others as we love ourselves, seeking peace instead of violence, and treating all people with dignity, could this really be that bad? I mean would our lives not be improved if we could do just this?

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