Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Conflict Resolution

Last week I had the chance to catch up with a good friend of mine who is an Episcopal priest in New York. My friend has been receiving a lot of criticism and flack about his own theological opinions especially with all that is going on with the Episcopal Church today. My friend and I disagree on a few theological questions, just as he disagrees with the Bishop of New York. Yet they still have a great working relationship and we have a great friendship.

Every time I turn on the television or open the newspaper, I find more stories about struggles and conflicts. We have horrible wars in our world over the fight for who believes they best understand the word of God. The word of God has been wrestled for years with more interpretations and opinions formed than probably any other topic out there.

“God has spoken, and the rest is commentary, right?” A friend of mine sent me a copy of a book called Velvet Elvis and these were the last words on the back cover of the book that have been resonating in my head since I read them. We often listen, read, and discuss God’s word but we often forget that this is only commentary. I constantly find myself believing that my views are more correct and even better than other people’s views all the time. And this is when I begin to get myself in trouble.

Jesus says in Mathew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” We don’t always have to agree with our brothers and sisters. But when we come together to study and learn with those who are different, the dialogue begins to teach us more about ourselves and are own spirituality. We learn more about who we are becoming.

We often forget that not everyone around us thinks exactly like us, but who ever said we all have to agree just to get along?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go put some shoes on, son!