Monday, October 16, 2006

The Power of Love

I would say my friend Logan is deep into Christian spirituality, but I wouldn’t call Logan a Christian in the way that one would traditionally define a Christian. Logan is a very spiritual person who is taking classes to be certified as a spiritual counselor. Most of my friends spend a good portion of their day thinking about fantasy football, the Heisman Trophy watch, or where to meet nice girls. So, for me, it was a real treat to be able to spend a three hour drive home from the lake in profound theological debate.

Logan is turned off from Christianity because of how exclusive some Christians can be and by the use of fear in trying to spread Christianity. In sermons at different churches, he continually hears a message of “do this because Jesus says so.” Sometimes I hear that same message too. And even more often, I am guilty of spreading that message as well.

So often, I find myself coming up with rules and regulations for the world according to “John Burruss.” I judge others because they bend and break my rules. Sharing my rules seems to be the only logical way to have others conform to what I believe will make this world a better place. I forget the true value of what it means to be a Christian.

I often look at some of my friends and judge them. I think they party too much, they don’t have their priorities in order, or a plethora of other standards that I use to criticize their standard of living. And when I do this, I keep myself from doing the very thing I am called as a Christian to do; to love them, and love them unconditionally. Instead I let my own pride and ego separate me from my friends. Like everyone else, I want my life to be meaningful and important and to make a positive impact in this world. This story of Zacchaeus reminds me of the power of love.

Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector in the Bible. Everyone hated the tax collectors and probably most people tried to change Zacchaeus by sharing with him their personal views of the world and why tax collecting was wrong. Yet Jesus loved Zacchaeus and he sold half of his possesions and followed Him. Love has the power to change this world. I only hope I can harness that power.

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