Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Scallop Shell

I arrived with nineteen others to Spain yesterday. We are here to hike the last one hundred fifteen Km from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela, a famous pilgrimage hiked by tens of thousands every summer on the way to see the bones of St. James and follow in the footsteps of millions of others who are all on a journey for some personal reason, many of which are spiritual. I have been struggling to figure out myself why I am here and why I feel called to this walk. I hope I have a better idea in five days time but know that it could be revealed to me much later if ever.

We pilgrims hike with scallop shells around our necks. The scallop shell is the symbol of the pilgrims on the way to Santiago and we are beginning to see the shells. I knew the shells were used to drink water for thirsty pilgrims but what I didn't know was the greater metaphor of the shell. A scallop shell has many lines that all lead to the same center just as many roads and many pilgrims travel from all over, all on the way to Santiago. Some come from their homes in Norway or Italy and hike from their doorsteps. Some hike along the route in Portugal. More start in France and many take different paths yet they all end in the same place. Am I to learn this pilgrimage that my way is not the only way? Am I to become more sympathetic, compassionate and understanding of the different ways and paths in life?

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