Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Dear God,

Thank you for this wonderful and new day.

Thank you for the way that the cool fall breeze chills my skin as you let me know that you are with me.

Thank you for the friends that I have, who without their honesty, patience, and love, I would not be the person I am today.

Thank you for my family who shines when I do well, and helps me up when I fall down.

Thank you for the youth that I work with. Their willingness to embrace the world inspires me everyday.

Thank you for the light you provide in my life, for continuing to bless me when I turn my back, and your open arms that are always ready to accept me for me.

Thank you for the talents and gifts which I have been blessed with.

And thank you for all that I have in my life.

Thank you.

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