Thursday, July 17, 2008

Portomarin - Palas de Rei

I had the opportunity to be the lead hiker today. The whole experience is radically different. The Camino is well marked with yellow arrows on buildings and the ground and scallop shell markers yet I still find myself doubting the markers from time to time and wondering if I have stumbled off the beaten path. I am one of those who often questions if I really have my wallet or I wonder if I have left the stove on. I question my own judgment all of the time, yet usually I use very good judgment. In fact, I have a great sense of direction and rarely get lost. I suspect things would be different if I had been hiking from the border of France for a month. My ability to trust the markers and the path of others would be greater but with each step and with each new marker I grow.

When I leave my home, I will probably continue to worry about the oven and the lights, but I hope that I am learning something more important than just about hiking. I am hoping that I am learning the importance of those who come before me to mark the trail and the path which I am on. It is not by myself that I have made it to this spot, but because of the help of others.

And even though we left a good hour and a half earlier today, we are still not making it to the end until 4pm. Our guide Debbie told us that their is a good chance we will all cry when we get to Santiago. My legs are beginning to really hurt. Could she be right? Our whole group of twenty moved much slower but everyone of made it the full 25.06km and the two who really struggled yesterday began to work unbelievably hard and rally together. I could not have been happier to make it all the Palas de Rei and although the church with the Frescos was closed by the time we arrived, everyone of us was two tired to be disappointed. Tomorrow will be our longest day and the rest is needed.

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